weekly links 03-12

A slow week followed by a great weekend with visiting friend. We went to the lovely music festival Le Guess Who? in Utrecht, but surprisingly I do not have any wish to write about the shows. Not entirely sure why, I don’t think I have anything to say. Which is surprising. But, without further ado, all other stuff that happened this week:

PopMatters has a piece on Queen as the most misunderstood band in all of rock history. They also have a full discography box set coming out.

The economics of piracy: because SOPA is making everyone nervous, and because piracy actually is beneficial, except for the existing superstars and big firms.

The concept of flow on mainstream media: huffington post writes about the creative flow research lead by Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi.

– Speaking of Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi, here is his TED talk from 2004:

– Alyssa Rosenberg over at thinkprogress.org asks some really good questions about the latest Annenberg study of women’s representation behind and in front of the camera in the movies in 2009. Go read it.

– Speaking of women, here’s an interesting piece about female characters and femisim: Cinderella, feminist?

EU plans largest arts funding program ever. Go EU!

Signing off with more cuteness from CutestPaw:

this snuggle bunch brought to you by CutestPaw

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